
  • Sarah Agustiorini Bogor Agricultural University
  • Nunik Sri Ariyanti Bogor Agricultural University



Fissidens, New Record, Borneo


Sarah Agustiorini & Nunik Sri Ariyanti. 2018. New records of Fissidens (Bryophyta: Fissidentaceae) for Borneo. Floribunda 6(1): 12–18. — Two species of the genus Fissidens, namely F. bogoriensis Fleisch. and F. braunii (C. Mull.) Dozy & Molk., are reported as new records for the bryoflora of Borneo. F. bogoriensis was previously reported only occured in Java, Malay Peninsula, New Guinea, Indo-Pacific Islands, China, and Japan. F. braunii was found in Sumatra, Malay Peninsula, New Guinea and Polynesia. In the current exploration these two species were found in the Eastern Borneo. Descriptions, notes, and ilustrations are provided.Keywords: Borneo, Fissidens, New Record. Sarah Agustiorini & Nunik Sri Ariyanti. 2018. Rekaman Baru Fissidens (Bryophyta: Fissidentaceae) untuk Borneo. Floribunda 6(1): 12–18. — Dua jenis dari marga Fissidens,yaitu F. bogoriensis Fleisch. dan F. braunii (C. Mull.) Dozy & Molk., dilaporkan sebagai rekaman baru untuk flora lumut di Borneo. F. bogoriensis sebelumnya dilaporkan hanya terdapat di Jawa, Semenanjung Malaya, Papua Nugini, Kepulauan Indo-Pasifik, China, dan Jepang. F. braunii dilaporkan terdapat di Sumatra, Semenanjung Malaysia, Papua Nugini dan Polynesia. Akan tetapi, dalam eksplorasi kali ini dua jenis tersebut ditemukan di Kalimantan Bagian Timur. Deskripsi, catatan, dan ilustrasi jenis disediakan.Kata kunci: Borneo, Fissidens, Rekaman Baru. 

Author Biographies

Sarah Agustiorini, Bogor Agricultural University

Magister student at Pascasarjana IPB, Faculty of Matematics and natural science, Plant Biology.

Nunik Sri Ariyanti, Bogor Agricultural University

Department of BiologyFaculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesBogor Agricultural University


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